Partnering in Development:  The UKZN Foundation

Dear Alumni and Friends of UKZN,


The Foundation establishes and cultivates relationships with prospective donors on behalf of the University and as such serves as a principle conduit for philanthropic donations aimed at supporting the strategic development needs of the University.

In its drive to secure donations for the University’s development, the Foundation forges relationships with individuals and alumni as well as establishes alliances and partnerships with corporates, trusts, foundations and other grant-making bodies across the world.

In selecting projects to support, the Foundation prioritises University initiatives that are responsive to societal, environmental, economic and technological needs of local, provincial, national and international communities, which the University serves.

The philanthropic gifts secured by the Foundation are used to support institutional and infrastructure development, student funding, academic support, as well as community outreach programmes.

Philanthropic gifts may take the form of individual donations, bequests, endowments, bursaries, scholarships and gifts in kind. These gifts will contribute towards the advancement of the mission, vision, and goals of the University while helping to fulfil the objectives of donors and benefactors. Ultimately, these will contribute towards the advancement of the mission, vision, and goals of the University while helping to fulfil the objectives of investors and benefactors.

As the conduit for all philanthropic donations to UKZN, the Foundation receives, receipts, records and reports on all such income.

Visit the UKZNFoundation website for more information

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